Quarkuscoffeeshop ACM deployment using kustomize
Quarkus Cafe on ACM
Provision RHPDS Enviornment
- OCP4 ACM Hub
- OCP4 ACM Managed
- OCP4 ACM Managed
Prerequisites for deployment
Install kustomize
$ curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/\
kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/master/hack/install_kustomize.sh" | bash
$ sudo mv kustomize /usr/local/bin/
Administrator Tasks On Target Cluster (OCP4 ACM Managed)
Install Amq Streams and Configure Postgres DB on each cluster
$ cat >source.env<<EOF
$ podman run -it --env-file=./source.env quay.io/quarkuscoffeeshop/quarkuscoffeeshop-ansible:v4.10.24
Install ACM Managed and Configure a HUB
Import an existing cluster
Run Genereated command on target machine
View Cluster status
Configure OpenShift client context for cluster admin access
Login into hub cluster
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER1.DOMAIN:6443
Set the name of the context for hub cluster
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) hubcluster
Login into 1st cluster (A environment)
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER1.DOMAIN:6443
Set the name of the context for (A environment)
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster1
Login into 2nd cluster (B environment) ::: OPTIONAL
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER2.DOMAIN:6443
Set the name of the context (B environment)
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster2
Login into 3rd cluster (C environment) ::: OPTIONAL
oc login -u admin -p XXXX --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://api.YOURCLUSTER3.DOMAIN:6443
Set the name of the context (C environment)
oc config rename-context $(oc config current-context) cluster3
Test the different cluster contexts
# Switch to hub
oc config use-context hubcluster
# Switch to cluster1
oc config use-context cluster1
# List the nodes in cluster1
oc get nodes
# Switch to cluster2
oc config use-context cluster2
# List the nodes in cluster2
oc get nodes
# Switch to cluster3 ::: Optional
oc config use-context cluster3
# List the nodes in cluster3 ::: Optional
oc get nodes
# Switch back to cluster1
oc config use-context cluster1
Deploy Quarkus cafe Application on ACM Hub
From ACM Login to ACM Managed cluster (OCP4 ACM Hub)
Fork quarkuscoffeeshop-gitops github repo
Git clone your forked repo to server
Optional: Create a personal access token for forked repo Creating a personal access token
Update acm_configs/02_channel.yaml replace with your repo
pathname: 'https://github.com/quarkuscoffeeshop/quarkuscoffeeshop-gitops.git'
Configure Services using kustomize
Edit the following for each microservice
- imageTag is located under the kustomiztion.yaml in each directory
- enviornment varaibles are located in each directory under patch-env.yaml
Collect the quarkus cafe endpoints for cluster1
$ echo "Cluster 1: $(oc --context=cluster1 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')"
$ ENDPOINT=$(oc --context=cluster1 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
$ sed -i "s/apps.ocp4.example.com/${ENDPOINT}/g" clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/patch-env.yaml
$ cat clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/patch-env.yaml
$ sed -i "s/apps.ocp4.example.com/${ENDPOINT}/g" clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-customermocker/patch-env.yaml
$ cat clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-customermocker/patch-env.yaml
Collect the quarkus cafe endpoints for cluster2
$ echo "Cluster 2: $(oc --context=cluster2 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')"
$ ENDPOINT=$(oc --context=cluster2 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
$ sed -i "s/apps.ocp4.example.com/${ENDPOINT}/g" clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/patch-env.yaml
$ cat clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/patch-env.yaml
$ sed -i "s/apps.ocp4.example.com/${ENDPOINT}/g" clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-customermocker/patch-env.yaml
$ cat clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-customermocker/patch-env.yaml
Collect the quarkus cafe endpoints for cluster 3
$ echo "Cluster 3: $(oc --context=cluster3 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')"
$ ENDPOINT=$(oc --context=cluster3 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
$ sed -i "s/apps.ocp4.example.com/${ENDPOINT}/g" clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/patch-env.yaml
$ cat clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/patch-env.yaml
$ sed -i "s/apps.ocp4.example.com/${ENDPOINT}/g" clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-customermocker/patch-env.yaml
$ cat clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-customermocker/patch-env.yaml
Update Postgres passwords
sed -i "s|'changepassword'|'${POSTGRES_CLUSTERONE}'|g" clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter/patch-env.yaml
cat clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter/patch-env.yaml
sed -i "s|'changepassword'|'${POSTGRES_CLUSTERTWO}'|g" clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter/patch-env.yaml
cat clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter/patch-env.yaml
sed -i "s|'changepassword'|'${POSTGRES_CLUSTERTHREE}'|g" clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter/patch-env.yaml
cat clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-counter/patch-env.yaml
Update routes for Quarkus Cafe Application
cp clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml.backup clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
cp clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml.backup clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
cp clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml.backup clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
# Define the variable of `ROUTE_CLUSTER1`
ROUTE_CLUSTER1=quarkuscoffeeshop-web-quarkuscoffeeshop-demo.$(oc --context=cluster1 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
# Replace the value of changeme with `ROUTE_CLUSTER1` in the file `route.yaml`
sed -i "s/changeme/${ROUTE_CLUSTER1}/" clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
# Verify Change
cat clusters/overlays/cluster1/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
# Define the variable of `ROUTE_CLUSTER2`
ROUTE_CLUSTER2=quarkuscoffeeshop-web-quarkuscoffeeshop-demo.$(oc --context=cluster2 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
# Replace the value of changeme with `ROUTE_CLUSTER2` in the file `route.yaml`
sed -i "s/changeme/${ROUTE_CLUSTER2}/" clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
# Verify Change
cat clusters/overlays/cluster2/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
# Define the variable of `ROUTE_CLUSTER3` ::: OPTIONAL
ROUTE_CLUSTER3=quarkuscoffeeshop-web-quarkuscoffeeshop-demo.$(oc --context=cluster3 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
# Replace the value of changeme with `ROUTE_CLUSTER3` in the file `route.yaml` ::: OPTIONAL
sed -i "s/changeme/${ROUTE_CLUSTER3}/" clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
# Verify Change
cat clusters/overlays/cluster3/quarkuscoffeeshop-web/route.yaml
Review cluster configuration
kustomize build clusters/overlays/cluster1 | less
kustomize build clusters/overlays/cluster2 | less
kustomize build clusters/overlays/cluster3 | less
Commit and push changes to Github
git add clusters/
git commit -m "Updating Variables for Deployment"
git push
Use context hubcluster
oc config use-context hubcluster
Deploy using tekton pipelines
Quarkus Cafe Deployment on ACM using tekton pipelines
Deploy via CLI
Create namespace for subscription
oc create -f acm-configs/01_namespace.yaml
Create a Channel
oc create -f acm-configs/02_channel.yaml
Create application
oc create -f acm-configs/03_application_webapp.yaml
Confirm Clusters are properly labeled
Create placement rules
oc create -f acm-configs/04_placement_cluster1.yaml
oc create -f acm-configs/04_placement_cluster2.yaml
oc create -f acm-configs/04_placement_cluster3.yaml
Create subscription
oc create -f acm-configs/05_subscription_cluster1.yaml
oc create -f acm-configs/05_subscription_cluster2.yaml
oc create -f acm-configs/05_subscription_cluster3.yaml
Verify the deployments have been created on all the clusters.
cluster 1
oc config use-context cluster1
oc get pods -n quarkuscoffeeshop-demo
cluster 2
oc config use-context cluster1
oc get pods -n quarkuscoffeeshop-demo
cluster 3
oc config use-context cluster1
oc get pods -n quarkuscoffeeshop-demo
Access the cluster URls
Test against cluster 1
ROUTE_CLUSTER1=quarkuscoffeeshop-web-quarkuscoffeeshop-demo.$(oc --context=cluster1 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
echo http://$ROUTE_CLUSTER1/cafe
Test against cluster 2
ROUTE_CLUSTER2=quarkuscoffeeshop-web-quarkuscoffeeshop-demo.$(oc --context=cluster2 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
echo http://$ROUTE_CLUSTER2/cafe
Test against cluster 3 ::: OPTIONAL
ROUTE_CLUSTER3=quarkuscoffeeshop-web-quarkuscoffeeshop-demo.$(oc --context=cluster3 get ingresses.config.openshift.io cluster -o jsonpath='{ .spec.domain }')
echo http://$ROUTE_CLUSTER3/cafe
- Add HAproxy Global load balancer support
- Ansible Tower ACM Integration
- Create Bootstrap Script